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Yes Heather! Please rush me my copy of your "Manifestation Miracle" course, including INSTANT ACCESS to all of the bonus material for only $47!


I understand that I will receive:

Manifestation Miracle


You'll receive instant download access to this comprehensive guide that teaches you everything you need to know about the universal secret of health, wealth, freedom, joy, and life-changing, non-stop abundance!

Written by Heather Mathews

I understand that I will also receive the following special bonuses:

Abundant Success Workbook

This amazing three-week guide will kick-start your journey onto the path of your destiny. Packed with short, fun and inspirational daily exercises, this practical guide is all you need to start reaching for your dreams.

These exercises will replace limiting beliefs with powerful new habits that take you where you want to be!

Abundant Wealth Mindtracks

WARNING: Are you limited in life by not having the wealth you need to live your dreams?

Listen to these pre-recorded engaging tracks and feel your subconscious prepare you for manifesting wealth and abundance in your life.

Step 1. Listen to abundance affirmations on a daily basis
Step 2. Watch your life change as you manifest abundant wealth

Listen and reinforce abundance and wealth so you can live the lifestyle of your dreams!

The Powerhouse Guide For Health, Vitality, and Disease Reversal

In this indepth ebook you will discover the power of meditation and how to use it to manifest powerful good health and finally bring your wellbeing dreams to fruition.

Great thinkers and practitioners of the meditative arts have been using these techniques for millennia to better control how their minds perceive the world and how their bodies interact with it and you can do the same - finding the most powerful and overwhelming resource at your disposal to achieve greater health, vitality and resistance to disease.

How to Reboot Your Metabolism

This ebook shows you how the food we eat has a strongly negative effect on our metabolism and it keeps you from losing weight.

This guide is about those foods, the way your body works and how you can make simple, easy to manifest changes that will almost instantly have an effect on your body’s ability to process and remove junk.

From slower burning foods to metabolism boosting activities and diets, you're going to discover how to prep your body for maximum health and quick weight loss.

The Love and Happiness Mindtrack

Discover the secret to love and happiness with this love and happiness mindtrack...

If you feel you're just not getting the results you need in love, seize this opportunity to harness the power of positive affirmations and manifest a loving mindset to attract Mr or Mrs Right to your life.. and how to keep him or her.

Listen and enjoy!

Limited Time Bonus Offer (Optional) YES Heather! Please give me a 1 month FREE trial of Amazing Self $37 value).

I understand that with Amazing Self, each month I'll discover more powerful ways to becoming the best possible version of myself on a physical, mental and interpersonal level. I'll uncover secrets to long term life success, I'll learn how to achieve virtually any goal in life that I set for myself AND I'll become an inspiration to everyone around me.

I understand that there is no other product on the market like this, and that I will receive the first edition today for free. If I choose to stay on as an Amazing Self member, I will be charged $37 per month for each new issue for as long as I decide to remain a member. I can cancel at any time.

Finally, I understand that my "Manifestation Miracle" purchase is fully covered by your personal, risk-free, no questions asked 8-week 100% money-back GUARANTEE! If I'm not satisfied for any reason, or it doesn't live up to my expectations, I won't be out one red cent. I can just send an email and I will be refunded my payment. Right up to the final day of this 8 week guarantee.

Product Price  
Manifestation Miracle (Live Your Dreams) $47.00
Amazing Self Subscription (Optional) - first month free, then $37 per month for as long as I decide to remain a member $0.00
Total $47.00  
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If you have any questions about 'Manifestation Miracle', don't hesitate to contact us using the link on the homepage. I look forward to hearing of your success with my course.